I'm an English Major in my final year of study at a small Liberal Arts School.
I have just completed a semester studying abroad in the incredible city of London. Mine is an exhaustingly intense existence.
This blog is primarily dedicated, as the title may suggest, to my own musings, as well as my endeavors in photography, creative writing, fashion design, etc.
wow, did you paint that shiva shirt yourself? because it is amazing.
no, no.
i bought the fabric from a store in Paris.
okay so i've tried to copy your clothes making but mine look lammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme by comparison
the poet shoes rock....can we have a thrifting/clothes making adventure day this summer where you teach me your gift?????
I'm so happy you come home in one week
I love your poem fragments...we should also have a poetry day where we share our poems with each other :) :) :)
miss you ooooooodles
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