Friday, July 21, 2006

Relief that the words hammer back in my brain...

"Word Flood" ("Stitch the Seams Together")

Stitch the seams together
If you can
With thoughts of
Withered, winter trees
Nothing to do with
The summer breeze,
My windows down
Grey storm-sky
Chased by bowing leaves
And a thousand thousand greens.

Stitch the seams together
If you can
With the words that finally
Torrent down from my
Sea-soaked hair
Dripping to the brain
From a page,
To a page, singing
My way home.
Ah, the relief
Of the many-tongued mind,
Of the urgency
With which the words
Are pressed upon me.

I no longer feel
That I have nothing to say
Or that my story
Is poisonous.
I go out,
Fresh with words,
Walk the dog
In the rain,
Think about the woman
With one closed eye
Who rules my days,
And the story of Chinese
Enchantment that swells
Until sleep’s closing,
With twilight-threading,
Hems words with oblivion
And ending.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love it. love it, and oh - love it.

you keep me thinking ...

and...i had a dream i was stuck on a rickshaw
you were there, too
we couldn't get off, but somehow that was ok...

let's go back to china, yeah?
oh, and i'm coming to DC in august @ some point. call me :)